
Adrian Brasoveanu
  • Pronouns he, him, his, his, himself
  • Title
    • Professor
  • Division Humanities Division
  • Department
    • Linguistics Department
  • Affiliations Chancellor's Office/EVC
  • Phone
  • Email
  • Website
  • Office Location
    • Stevenson College Academic Building, 259
    • CP/EVC Office
  • Office Hours By appointment
  • Mail Stop Stevenson Academic Services

Research Interests

Semantics and Pragmatics - anaphoric and quantificational parallels between the individual, temporal, modal and degree domains (e.g.: parallels between quantificational and modal subordination and between correlative structures in the individual and degree domains, interactions between discourse particles like therefore and quantificational and modal subordination, singular and plural donkey anaphora), ways of integrating different semantic and pragmatic frameworks (e.g.: various strands of Montagovian and dynamic semantics), the cross-linguistic semantics (and syntax) of various constructions (e.g.: measure expressions and nominal phrases containing them (in Romanian, English etc.), uniqueness effects in donkey sentences and Hindi, Romanian etc. correlatives, types of indefinites and their scopal behavior, attitude and speech act reports etc.)

Corpus Linguistics

Optimality Theory: the logic of ranking arguments; learnability theory; syntax
Romanian, Romance and Balkan Languages

Cognitive Science