Ph.D. Completion

    Feminist Studies Department

  • Anne Napatalung

    Summer 23
    Re-membering Healing: The Tuskegee School of Midwifery and its Legacies for Reproductive Care

    Taylor Wondergem

    Summer 23
    Medicine and Militarization: Prescribing Family Life

  • History Department

  • Priscilla Martinez

    Summer 23
    By Land and by Sea: Indigeneity, Mestizaje, and Nationalism at the Western-Pacific

    Aaron Aruck

    Spring 2024
    Tracking Contagious Cases:Venereal Disease, Sex Work, and the Making of the Male Homosexual at the U.S.-Mexico Border, 1926-1964

    Steven Green

    Spring 2024
    Noshing in the Midwest: Foodways and Midwestern Jewish Communities

    Drew Richardson

    Summer 2024

    Mediating Monsters and Provinical Place-Making: Folklore, Local Identity, and the Supernatural in Modern Japan

    Joshua Tan

    Spring 2024

    Schooling Free Asia: Diasporic Chinese and Educational Activism in the Transpacific Cold War

    Jonathan VanHarmelen

    Spring 2024

    Legislating Injustice: Japanese Americans, Congress, and the Wartime Incarceration of Japanese Americans During World War II, 1930-1945

  • History of Consciousness Department

  • Michael McCarrin

    Winter 24
    Metaphysical Biases in the Discourse of Artificial Intelligence

    Daniel Butler

    Winter 24
    Infancy Imperiled: Blackness and Devitalization in Psychoanalytic Thought

    Adrian Drummond-Cole

    Summer 23
    Making Water Liquid: Hydraulic Settlement in California’s Central Valley

    Melody Nixon

    Summer 23
    Thinking Its Subject: Race and Selfhood in Contemporary Transpacific Poetics

    Jack Davies

    Spring 24


    Gabriel Mindel

    Spring 24

    On Tumult: A Political Theory of Noise

  • Linguistic Department

  • Jack Duff

    Fall 23
    On the timing of decisions about meaning during incremental comprehension

    Morwenna Hoeks

    Fall 23
    Comprehending focus / representing contrast

    Delaney Gomez-Jackson

    Summer 2023
    Questions and Indefinites in Santiago Laxopa Zapotec

    Allison Nguyen

    Fall 2023
    Unifying Embedded and Unembedded Rising Declaratives Via Strategy

    Claire Miller Willahan

    Fall 2023

    How Unexpected: Exploring the Effect of Phonological Features on Perception of Sound Errors

    Taijing Xiao

    Fall 2023

    On Mandarin Argument Reversal

    David Tuffs

    Winter 2024

    The distribution and identity of bare indefinites in San Martin Peras Mixtec

  • Literature Department

  • Kelsey McFaul

    Fall 23
    Rain Washed the Old World Away: Empire and the Novel in the Horn of Africa

    Chacko Kuruvilla

    Winter 24
    Aspects of Emersonianism in American Fiction & At Interminable Oceans (A Novel)

    Rain Ramirez

    Spring 24
    The Missionization of Gendereed Violence: The Colonial Gaze in Indigenous/ Latinx Communities

    Margarita Bac Sierra

    Winter 24
    The Missionization of Gendereed Violence: The Colonial Gaze in Indigenous/ Latinx Communities

    Kirstin Wagner

    Spring 24

    Daughter in Waves: Matrilineal Inheritance and the Poetics of Violence

    Jennifer Russell

    Spring 24

    Fog City Roast: Worlding the Coffeehouse of the San Francisco Bay Area

    Amani Liggett

    Spring 24

    Dream On: Examining Watching, Sleep, and Dreams in Shakespeare’s First Tetralogy

    Jim Jackson

    Spring 24

    Systems and the Sublime: Technology, Transcendence, and Subjectivity

    Thaïs Miller

    Spring 24

    A Funny Jewish Novel About Intergenerational Trauma and Jewish Humor Narrative Tropes and Female Characters in Women-Led Digital Streaming Productions (2010-2023)

    Angie Lou

    Spring 24

    Glint of Sport: Stories

    Nathan Osorio

    Spring 24

    Borderland Vitality: Unsettling Form Through Decolonial Poetics.

    Katie O'Hare

    Spring 24

    Communal Thought in Shakespeare’s Henriad

    Debbie Duarte

    Spring 24

    Borderland Ghosts: Necropolitics at the Colonial Wound

  • Philosophy Department

  • Ana Pedroso

    Spring 2023
    Feminism and The We: What would Arendt say to Beauvoir?

    Jordan Dopkins

    Fall 23
    Philosophical Dimensions of the Morris Water Maze

    Maya Lomeli

    Fall 23
    Aesthetic Intelligence and K. C. Bhattachaarya's Rasa