Graduate Publications
“The Trans/Alien Manifesto: Future Love(s), Sex Tech, and My Efforts to Re-Member Your Embrace,” Gender, Bodies & Technology Conference: TechnoLogics of Power and Resistance, Virginia Tech, Roanoke, VA, April 25-27, 2019
“Re-examining the Borders Between Us: Regeneration, Symbiosis, and The Future(s) of Self-Care” (Workshop) and “Painful Knowledge/Knowledge in Pain— An Elegy,” Society for Disability Studies Conference, Ohio State University. Columbus, OH, April 6-9, 2019
“Are Love, Healing, & Justice Accessible to Us? Intimacy Beyond Sex and Care Beyond Survival,” Take Back the Week, San Diego State University, April 11, 2019
“The TransAlien Manifesto: Future Loves, Sex Tech, and My Efforts to Re-Member Your Embrace,” Transgender Studies Quarterly, November 2019
“Are Love, Healing, and Justice Accessible to Us? Intimacy, Care, and Crip Kinship Beyond Nationalisms,” National Women’s Studies Association conference, November 2019
“Future Love(s): Research Notes on Transformative Sex? Tech” at the “Diffracting AI & Robotics: Decolonial & Feminist Perspectives” symposium, Goethe University, TU Berlin, and the University of Vienna, October 11-12, 2019, Frankfurt, Germany
“AI, Aliens & Androids: Trans of Color Studies After the Human,” CRES Work in Progress, November 20, 2019
“Martian Matters: The Im/possibilities of Space Exploration,” 22nd Annual International Mars Society Convention, University of Southern California, October 17-20, 2019CLAIRE URBANSKI
"The Afterlife of Settler-Colonial Occupation: Archaeological Excavation as Militarization in the United States-Mexico Borderlands," chapter in Firsting in the Early-Modern Atlantic World, an anthology edited by Lauren Beck (Routledge Press, 2019)
Editor, Boundary 2 special issue
“Violence, Certainty, Magic: A Journalistic Worlding.” In Worlding Asia, edited by Rob Wilson and Serena Chou. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.DANIEL G. BUTLER
"Racialized Bodies and the Violence of the Setting"
Studies in Gender and Sexuality, 2019, 20 (3): 146-158.
"Setting (on) Fire"
Studies in Gender and Sexuality, 2019, 20 (3): 171-176.
"Like a Half-Crushed Worm: Affliction, Negative Capability, and Apophatic Aesthetics in the Work of Nuclear Death"
Théologiques, 2019, 26 (1): 207-228.
"The Public and the Privative: On Bonnie Honig's Public Things and the Politics of the Psychoanalytic Setting"
Journal of Psychosocial Studies, 2019, 12 (3).PHILIP CONKLIN
Book: A People's History of Detroit, co-authored with Mark Jay
Duke University Press, 2020NATALIA KOULINKA
"A Portrait of the Worker against the Backdrop of the Soviet Union’s Collapse"
East Central Europe, no 46, May 2019, pp. 52–83."Belarus and its Flight from Democracy Revised: Political discourse and the peoples’ choice in the 1994 presidential election" Ideology after Union. Ideological Processes in Post-Soviet Societies. Etkind, Alexander and Mikhail Minakov (eds.). Stuttgart: ibidem, 2020, pp. 21-52.
2019-2020 profile in UC Santa Cruz Newscenter:
Hernandez-Jason, Scott. "Linguistics grad student focused on understudied languages." Jan 21, 2020. KAPLAN
(2020). "Southern Pomo syncope is metrically conditioned: Metrical opacity and stratal derivation." Proceedings of the Linguistics Society of America, 5(1). Forthcoming.
Polarity reversals under sluicing. Semantics & Pragmatics 12(18): 1-49. 2019. DEVOS
Notes toward a Pamphlet, by Sergio Chejfec (Translated by Whitney DeVos)
Ugly Duckling Presse, July 2020ANGIE SIJUN LOU
“Dog Eaters” FENCE Magazine
“Warmth of an Eggshell”Black Warrior Review,Spring 2020
“Recent Attempts of Historical Revisionism to Reclaim the Empowerment of Female Performers in GLOW: Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling,” Studies in Popular Culture, vol. 41: 1 (fall 2019): 23-52.
Interview of poet/memoirist Marcelo Hernandez Castillo, “Amnesia is (Almost) a Luxury,” BOMB, February 2020
“Woven: Oceanic Poetics: A Mother Study in Waves”
Entropy, October 2019
Resolution of the West
Bootstrap Press, 2020
Roots And Routes: Poetics at New College of California
Patrick James Dunagan, Marina Lazzara, Nicholas James Whittington (Eds.)
Vernon Press, 2020EMMA WOOD
Heavy Metaphor (poem)
Fence, Spring 2020
Visibility (poem)
ZYZZVA, Spring 2020
Personal Poem, Fake News (poems)
jubilat, Spring 2019