2021-22 Elaine Sullivan Scholarship Recipients

Since 2002, the Dizikes Faculty Teaching Award has celebrated the work of outstanding teachers and their students. The award honors the work of faculty and supports students who aspire to learning and critical thinking. Faculty recipients of the award receive a grant and designate students from a Humanities Division program to receive scholarships that recognize academic accomplishment.


sage-michaels.jpgSAGE MICHAELS
History (Europe and the Mediterranean World), Jewish Studies
Recipient of the 2021-22 Elaine Sullivan Scholarship

My name is Sage Michaels, and I am a 4th-year Intensive History Major and a Jewish Studies Minor. During my time at UCSC, I have been involved with the Okinawa Memories Initiative, and this past year I have been the student leader for their archival and oral history teams. I added my Jewish Studies Minor in my junior year, and this year I have served as the intern for the Center for Jewish Studies. Every time a student tells me they decided to add a Jewish Studies Major or Minor, it means so much to me because I know they are going to get so much more of their UCSC experience by being a part of the Jewish Studies program.

Recipient of the 2021-22 Elaine Sullivan Scholarship

Ryan Hart is a 4th year History student from Merrill College. Some of his most memorable experiences as a UCSC student were the two history research seminar classes he took, particularly his experience leading a class discussion in a seminar on Early Christianity with Professor Pawlowski. After graduating, Hart plans to attend graduate school at the University of Chicago studying the Ancient Middle East.

athena-kwan.jpegATHENA KWAN
Recipient of the 2021-22 Elaine Sullivan Scholarship

Athena Kwan is a 4th year student majoring in History at the University of California, Santa Cruz. She is originally from the Bay Area where she lives with her parents, younger sister, her pet rabbit, and the family turtle. When she’s not busy with schoolwork, she’s usually drawing, reading, or hanging out with friends.