The Sol and Esther Draznin Memorial Scholarship in Classical Studies

To honor his parents and show his appreciation for the education he received, Classics alumnus James Draznin (‘77) established an endowment in classical studies.

Draznin says, “The education I received at UC Santa Cruz was exceptional, and I want to help make that opportunity available for other students.”

quinn-davis-draznin-scholar.jpgQUINN DAVIS
Classical Studies
2021-2022 Draznin Scholar

Sensitivity to small things while ever keeping the big picture in mind; the steadfastness to take on a complicated project whose endpoint is only glimpsed; a fascination with poetry matched by the ability to interpret texts by explicating the ideas and the artistry that went into their composition: These qualities, essential for learning ancient Greek, alike describe Quinn Davis, the 2022 recipient of the Sol and Esther Draznin Memorial Scholarship in Classical Studies.

A double major in Classics and Literature, Quinn has applied herself to learning the ancient language of the Greeks with zeal and purpose. We are grateful to James Draznin for establishing this award to honor the remarkable achievements of a student who has embarked on the study of ancient Greek, an endeavor whose difficulty is more than matched by the delight and joy of gaining the tools to read the works of Homer, Sappho and Sophocles. A thoughtful reader of literature, Quinn is poised to use her study of Greek to reveal new insights about (very) old texts and to show how enduring the words of ancient Greek authors are.