The Jay Family Humanities Scholarship Award

Made possible by the generosity of Greg and Martha Jay (Porter, ‘74), The Jay Family Humanities Scholarship recognizes an undergraduate student with financial need who demonstrates a strong interest in the study of the humanities and has an academic focus on social justice and diversity. For the 2021-22 academic year only—because this is a new scholarship— one award of $5,000 was given to a student in Fall 2021 and another in Spring 2022. Going forward, the award will be given annually in the Spring quarter.

mikayla-jordan-headshot.jpgMIKAYLA JORDAN
Critical Race and Ethnic Studies, Film and Digital Studies minor
Fall 2021 Recipient


Mikayla Jordan is a 3rd year transfer student and Kresge affiliate majoring in Critical Race and Ethnic Studies & minoring in Film and Digital Studies. In her words, "I would once again like to thank Greg and Martha Jay for giving me this scholarship and the opportunity to be able to work less than I normally would throughout the last two quarters. It's so amazing to see alumni, especially alumni with a family history (both Greg and his brother attended UCSC around the same time), giving these opportunities to students here at UC Santa Cruz currently. Their kindness and generosity is deeply appreciated. Thank you again."After graduating, Jordan intends to pursue graduate school.

maria-hele-headshot.jpgMARIA R. HELE
Critical Race and Ethnic Studies, Feminist Studies
Spring 2022 Recipient


Maria R. Hele is an activist, artist, and mother who is currently pursuing academics through a double-major in Feminist Studies and Critical Race & Ethnic Studies at UC Santa Cruz. During her time in school, she hopes to listen deeply to the voices of the land and people that are speaking against a colonial archive of knowledge, to learn with an embodied approach, and to contribute to the discourses of liberation.