Senate Faculty

- Title
- Professor, Literature
- Professor, History of Consciousness
- Division Humanities Division
- Department
- Literature Department
- History of Consciousness Department
- Affiliations History Department, East Asian Studies, Critical Race and Ethnic Studies
- Phone 831-459-2761 (Office)
- Office Location
- Humanities Building 1, 641
- Humanities 1 641
- Office Hours By appointment
- Mail Stop Humanities Academic Services
- Mailing Address
- 1156 High St.
- santa cruz ca 95060
- usa
- Courses The World Sixties, The Future, The Good Life, Neoliberalism (graduate), Classical Chinese Culture and Literature, 当代中国文化,政治,社会
Research Interests
World literature and cultural studies; globalism and geographical thought; the 1960s; Marxism; Neoliberalism; pre-modern and modern Chinese cultural studies; critical culture in contemporary China, cultural revolution, revolutionary theory, critical theory.