Multimodal AI as a Tool to Augment Historical Research


WHO: Walter Barnaby, Benjamin Breen, Owen Casey, Dagny Hatch, Galen Lathan-Fairchild, Molly Maher, Jamie Penilla, Paco Moreno Ramos, Alia Moore, Emily Vasquez, Richard Scott Wolf

WHAT: Train humanities undergraduates to use multimodal AI tools like Claude 3 and GPT-4 (ChatGPT) as tools for augmenting traditional historical research skills. Students will learn how to utilize generative AI for machine translation of historical sources, analysis of images in historical texts, and annotating, proof-reading, and "tagging" transcriptions of oral history interviews and other textual sources.

WHY: Contribute to the development of the Psychedelic History Archive and gain valuable experience in applying cutting-edge AI technologies to historical research