Humanities Division IT Equipment, Supplies, & Services Policy

Updated on: May 2024

Link to policy 

Computer Equipment Policy

The Humanities Division, through Humanities Computing Services (HCS), will provide and replace primary computers for faculty & staff under the following guidelines. Each situation will be reviewed by divisional leadership. Any and all purchases need to be approved by the Assistant Dean.


Academic and Staff employees:

  • Non-student employees in paid positions employed over 55% time in the HUM division qualify for the divisional computer replacement program.


Pre-six lecturers, TAs, GSR, GSI, visiting instructors or researchers, part-time employees, student employees, divisional affiliates, and non-paid positions:

  • These positions do not qualify for the divisional computer replacement program but will receive best effort support, which may include provisioning of older equipment as resources allow.


New Equipment

Humanities Computing will purchase computers based on the Humanities Computing Standard set by the Humanities Information Technology Services team.


Staff Employees

  • Equipment for staff will be divisionally funded.
  • Equipment includes: a computer meeting current standards (may be a redeployed machine), monitor, and peripherals (mouse, keyboard, adapters).


Senate Faculty & Continuing Lecturers

  • Equipment for new faculty will be funded through standard startup funds.
  • New equipment includes: a computer, monitor, and peripherals (mouse, keyboard, webcam, and special adapters (that are not the standard ones Humanities Computing provides).
    • If more than one computer is purchased, a primary computer must be designated. The primary computer will be the only machine eligible for replacement. Secondary computers can receive support but are not eligible for replacement using divisional funds.


Replacement Equipment


Staff Employees

  • When a replacement computer is deployed through this program, the computer being replaced must be returned to HCS for redistribution or retirement.


Senate Faculty & Continuing Lecturers

  • Only the designated primary computer per faculty member is supported in this program.
  • HCS will replace a primary computer with another computer and not a tablet (i.e. iPad, Surface Pro, Galaxy tab, etc.).
  • When a computer is deployed through this program, the previous computer must be returned to HCS for redistribution or retirement.
    • An exception may be made if the computer is old and no longer runs the current operating system with the understanding that the computer will not be supported and cannot have university data on it.
    • Secondary computers (purchased with research or other funds) do not have to be returned at the time a primary computer is exchanged. The retirement of a secondary machine will be determined by the instructor; however, it is important to note that if it cannot run the current operating system, it could pose security risks for the university.


Replacement Criteria

 All primary computer replacements must be approved by the assistant dean.

HCS will replace a primary computer when:

  • It will no longer run the current operating system -or- the device is 5+ years old
  • We determine a repair is too costly
  • When performance with business critical systems falls to an unacceptable level, or when the operational needs of the faculty or employee exceeds the computer's capabilities.


HCS will NOT replace computer when:

  • A computer runs out of storage space
    • If a computer is running low on storage space, we will assess the matter first to determine if a replacement is necessary
  • It has been subjected to intentional abuse
    • HCS will repair a computer if there is physical damage
    • If the computer has been accidentally damaged more than once, the division will cover half the cost of repair/replacement and ask that faculty use funds to cover the other half.
  • It is not the “primary” computer (research equipment, secondary computers, etc, are excluded from this program)


Replacement funding

  • The division will provide a standard replacement machine for the designated primary computer, based on the Humanities standard computer.
  • Substitutions will be allowed as needed based on the discipline and needs of the individual faculty member.
    • If the needs of the faculty or staff member exceed the base dollar value, additional fund sources (startup, departmental, research, etc.) need to be used to augment that allocation.
  • Any machine (primary or secondary) with any amount of funding (research or otherwise) from this program is university property regardless of the source of extra funds (non-contract and grant).
  • Machines will not be taken from their assigned owners unless the owner leaves the division or surrenders it for a replacement machine.


Process for purchasing computers (and equipment) using research funds (non Contract & Grant)

  1. A justification request should be sent to the Assistant Dean. Do not purchase until approval is received.
  2. The Assistant Dean will review and if approved will notify the finance team.
  3. The finance team will confirm that these funds are available and then notify the faculty and HCS.
  4. HCS will review the request and consult with the faculty member to determine if the requested computer meets the needs of the faculty member.
  5. HCS can facilitate the purchase of the computer (or equipment) or the faculty member can purchase the computer and request reimbursement.


Computers Purchased with Private Funds 

Personally-owned computers are not supported, but if they are being used as additional devices for university purposes, such as teaching, we will enroll them in the campus device management system, which will allow users to have access to campus anti-malware software.

When an employee separates from the University, this software will be removed from the computer.


Department Funds

Computers should not be purchased using department funds. All requests for computers should follow the policies listed above.

Separation from the Division or University 

When an employee separates from the division or university, computers remain under the domain and of the property of the University and should be returned to HCS.

Any computers (primary or secondary) or equipment (monitors, peripherals, etc.) with any amount of funding (research or otherwise) from this program is university property regardless of the source of extra funds (non-contract and grant) and must be returned to HCS upon separation.


Retiring Faculty 

Retiring Senate faculty who have been awarded the title “emeriti” may take a computer with them on indefinite loan. These computers remain the property of the University.


Mobile Device Policy

Cellular telephones

The Humanities Division will not provide, reimburse, or support cellular phones.



The Humanities Division will not provide tablets (e.g. iPad, Surface Pro, Galaxy tab, etc.) for faculty. However, faculty can use startup funds or research funds to purchase them.

Tablets will receive limited support (WiFi setup, Duo Mobile MFA setup, assistance with downloading and installing applications for working, teaching, and research purposes).


Startup Funds

Faculty can purchase tablets with startup funds however, they cannot designate their tablets as primary machines nor will the division replace them. They can be used as supplemental equipment for teaching or research.


Research funds (non Contract & Grant)

Faculty can purchase tablets with research funds (non Contract & Grant) but will have to follow the process outlined below:


Process for purchasing tablets using research funds (non Contract & Grant)

  1. A justification request should be sent to the Assistant Dean. Do not purchase until approval is received.
  2. The Assistant Dean will review and if approved will notify the finance team.
  3. The finance team will confirm that the funds are available then notify faculty and HCS.
  4. HCS will review the request and consult with the faculty member to determine if the requested tablet meets the needs of the faculty member.
  5. HCS can facilitate the purchase of the tablet or the faculty member can purchase the tablet and request reimbursement.


Mobile Devices Purchased with Private Funds 

Personally-owned mobile devices will receive very limited support: connecting to WiFi, helping set up Duo Mobile multi-factor authentication.

If a mobile device is being used as an additional device for university purposes, such as teaching, we can enroll them in the campus device management system, which will allow users to have access to campus’ anti-malware software.

When an employee separates from the University, the software will be removed from the device.


Department Funds

Mobile devices should not be purchased using department funds. All requests for mobile devices should follow the policies listed above.

Separation from the Division or University 

When an employee retires or separates from the division or university, mobile devices remain under the domain and of the property of the University and should be returned to HCS.

Any device with any amount of funding (research or otherwise) from this program is university property regardless of the source of extra funds (non-contract and grant) and must be returned to HCS upon separation.


Retiring Faculty 

Retiring Senate faculty who have been awarded the title “emeriti” may take a device with them on indefinite loan. These devices remain the property of the University.


IT Services and Support Policy

The Humanities Computing Services (HCS) provides localized IT support to Humanities academic and staff employees. These services include but are not limited to: technical consulting, computer troubleshooting (software and hardware), hardware repair, computer maintenance (supporting operating systems, specialized software, maintaining security controls, A/V support, and device management), website support, and technical consulting and support for research.

Macintosh OS X as its primary computing platform in the Humanities. Other operating systems may be supported following consultation with Information Technology Services (ITS) staff.


Standard Services for Emeriti Support


Research Professors and Emeriti Recalled for Teaching

It is the policy of the Humanities Division that the division’s emeriti faculty with research or teaching appointments will receive locally-provided computing support to the same extent, and in the same manner, it is provided to non-emeriti faculty.

HCS will not upgrade computers or equipment for research professors but may work with departments/programs if new equipment is needed.

HCS will not upgrade computers or equipment for emeriti instructors recalled for teaching but will provide loaner equipment adequate for teaching.

Emeriti Professors 

Emeriti without research and teaching appointments can receive locally-provided basic computing support but not to the same extent, and in the same manner, it is provided to non-emeriti faculty. HCS will not upgrade equipment for emeriti professors but can help provide basic computing support. HCS is charged with prioritizing instruction and research.

Basic computing support can be defined as:

  1. Provide detailed instructions on how to upgrade operating systems and run system updates - can assist if needed
  2. Run a health check on the hard disk
  3. Assistance with connectivity to local printers and Eduroam WiFi
  4. Assistance with running updates on campus provided applications that emeriti faculty have access to (ex: Campus VPN, Zoom)
    • Note: Microsoft Office and Adobe Creative Cloud are only available to active faculty, staff and students.
    • Emeriti faculty will need to purchase personal subscriptions of these services.